Where a finished product has 1 or more sub parts/drawings then we can use the assembly feature in Redant. An assembly can only be created in the Register Module as follows:
- From the main menu select ‘Register ‘. This is the master drawing/part no register and holds all parts quoted for and used on orders. The last register created will be shown.
- Select ‘new’ from the bottom menu to create either the ‘top level’ part i.e. the part which is being delivered to the customer or a sub part. Every part in an assembly MUST have a drawing no., issue no, description and stock id as a minimum requirement. After entering the drawing no and issue followed by the description use the mouse to select the stock id field. Redant will auto generate a ‘stock id’ based on the drawing and issue no. entered. Select save from the bottom menu. A window may appear asking you to confirm the stock group and type. Select OK and then press the ‘save’ button on the bottom menu again. You may also want to enter a ‘Customer ID’ to save time later when entering the order.
- IF this is the ‘top level’ part you have just created then select ‘edit’ from bottom menu and put a tick in the ‘Assembly’ field followed by ‘save’. This tells the system that this is the top level item. This must only be done on a top level part and not on any of the sub parts.
- Enter the process, material and subcontract plans as normal for the new register item created.
- Do exactly the same as in 1, 2 and 4 above to create all the sub parts. DO NOT DO OPTION 3.
- Locate the ‘top level’ part entered earlier. The easiest way to do this is to use the ‘previous’ button on the bottom menu. You may have to press this several times depending on the number of parts you created.
- For the top level part, next to the assembly field you will see a new icon which will allow you to build the assembly. When selected a message will appear saying that an assembly structure cannot be found and so a new one will be created. Select OK to continue. A new window will open. The item at the top will be the top level of the assembly tree structure.
- Click the top level part once with the mouse to highlight it. On the menu on the right select ‘add component’ and enter the drawing no. of one of the sub parts. Make sure you enter the quantity of the sub part that is required to make one of the top level parts. Select ‘save’. A new entry will appear in the tree under the top level.
- Repeat 8 until you have added all the sub parts required.
- Close the window when done
- To add a new order, open the Job Orders module from the main menu and select ‘new’ from the bottom menu. Answer ‘yes’ to new order question. Fill in all the details from the customer order including quantity, order number, delivery date etc. and then select ‘save’ from bottom menu.
- If the item entered in 11 above is a ‘top level’ part you will be presented with a menu asking you to confirm that you want to create jobs for all the sub parts. Leave the first item ‘ticked’ and remove the tick from all the other options then click OK.
- Redant will have created 1 or more jobs from the tree structure you built earlier. To confirm this select the view order tab which will confirm each job created plus the top level job.
- Proceed as normal for adding a single job i.e. complete all contract review items, activate the job and then print the job cards